Saturday, July 19, 2014

Derm appointment and make up coverage!

So I had my dermatologist appointment yesterday morning to re-go over all the side affects and what not of starting Accutane.  On Monday morning, I will go have my blood work done and the results should be back the next day where I can then fill my prescription.  I will be starting with the 30 mg dosage for the first month.  Apparently, in my area, the 30 mg pills are kind of hard to come by, which is crazy b/c since its a weight based dosage, there should be multiple available.  After you have the blood work done and and take the negative pregnancy test, you have 7 days to fill the prescription.  That's a pretty small window of time to possibly not have it in stock at multiple pharmacies.  We shall see how it goes but I'm excited to finally get it started.

So I took some pictures of myself without make up on (eek!), then the different stages of my make up to cover up my acne.  I am in no way a make up artist, so if anyone reads this and has suggestions, I'd love to hear them.  This is my everyday, just going to work make up.  Because I wear so much, I use regular drug store brands.  For going out or long days where I want to look extra cute, I break out the more expensive stuff.  I really like Makeup Forever Matte Velvet.

Also, I hate selfies.  I look horrible in them.  One, they are WAY too close for comfort when you're trying to hide stuff, but also I can't find a good angle!  My nose looks huge in selfies and I feel like its not THAT big in a regular, from a reasonable distance, picture.  And, I make stupid faces, don't judge.  So here we go!

 Here I am fresh out of the shower, where nothing has been applied:
 OUCH!  This cluster on my chin is almost blister-like.  The ones on the cheek are mostly flat now, but can still be felt a little under the skin.  They've been there for a month and a half.
 I realized in this picture my nose is crooked!  How have I gone 28 years and never noticed?!  haha

After I apply all my topicals (which I'm stopping when I start Accutane), I apply primer.  I accidentally bought this thinking it was a different brand and I fell in love!  I used to get very oily in the first 30 minutes after applying my makeup, now I go half the day without having to blot.  It says color correction, but I don't notice that at all.  It leaves a nice silky feeling on my skin, ready for my makeup to be applied.
I do 1 pump and it covers my entire face!

After I let the primer sit for a minute, I apply Neutrogena Healthy Skin in Light.  I would use Medium, but it has disappeared from everywhere.  I've used Neutrogena concealer and foundation for forever but recently changed foundations.  I hate that there are 3 colors of concealers, like fair, light and medium, but a thousand colors of foundation.  I can never get it to match.  I basically apply a thin layer of concealer with my fingers all over the red areas, which is the center of my face, and blend out.  I don't want it to be too thick in 1 area b/c then it makes the finished product looked thicker in that area.  Here I am with just the concealer on.  I'm extra white in it b/c its so light and I'm so tan right now!

After to concealer, I apply Cover Girl 3 in 1 foundation in Golden Tan.  I use my fingers for this as well.  The picture looks kind of yellow, but I can assure you I don't go around looking like a lemon.
No redness showing but gotta set it with powder.  I like using loose powder with the fluffy thing it comes with.  When I try a powder brush, it seems to leave bristle marks in the foundation.  I use Cover Girl translucent loose powder in medium.
Again, looking a little yellow, but its just the lighting in my bathroom I guess.  Not much of a difference between the foundation and setting with powder but its a nice matte finish now.  Pay no attention to my nakey-ness!

From here, I do my blush, contouring and eye makeup, nothing to do with coverage, just tying the picture together!
Again, I make dumb faces, I didn't like any of the ones of me smiling any better so here we are with this face!

So these are my makeup techniques.  And while you can unfortunately of course still see bumps, they're not as noticeable when covered. 
My products used:

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