Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 1!

I got my prescription filled yesterday.  I am starting on 30mg for the first month and doubling after.  I took my pill around 5:30pm.  I took my makeup off around 8pm and moisturized and took the below photo around 11pm.
After 6 hours of taking it, it already seems to be drying my skin out.  Which I guess is a good thing!  You may not be able to tell, by there is some peeling and flaking around my mouth, and even more so when I was waking up this morning.

Since I started taking the meds on a Friday, I will do weekly follow up progress pictures and whats going on dryness-wise or any other side effects on Fridays.  If I'm bored, maybe more updates in between.

In the picture above, on my cheek I have 3 actives, that are all in the process of of going down.  Below that on my chin, there are 2 actives, one has been there for over a month.  Each morning it seems pretty flat, its even still leaking a little but in the afternoon, it has swollen back up!  ugh.  Then on the other side of my chin I've got 3 that have made a fairly recent appearance.  So that's that!

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